How does service syntax work ?

ComeUp uses a simplified version of the Markdown lightweight markup language, known as Common Mark, to improve the presentation of your services. It does so with headings, bold and italic fonts, tables, and so on. This formatting is available if you have the ComeUp Plus Premium plan. You can use it in your services' descriptions. If you have the free or Standard plan, the description will be displayed in raw text form.

The toolbar at the top of each field gives you quick access to the different features only available on ComeUp by inserting the formatting directly.

🚨 Warning: This is not HTML coding. Moreover, any other syntax that is not supported by the toolbar will not work.


This syntax:

For example, this word will appear in **bold**, whereas this one will be in *italics*. You can even ~~strike through text~~ and insert hyperlinks to certain [ComeUp]( pages. You can find out more about the other tools below. 😉

Will display as follows:

For example, this word will appear in bold, whereas this one will be in italics. You can even strike through text, and insert hyperlinks to certain ComeUp pages. You can find out more about the other tools below. 😉


Bold, italic, strike-through, underscore

These kinds of syntax, like many others, can be combined with others. Make sure you don't go overboard, though.

**Bold text**

*Text in italics*

~~Strikethrough text~~

~Highlighted text~


Warning: Only internal ComeUp hyperlinks to a service or profile are authorized.

[Link text](


Note: As of December 1, 2020, level 3 headings and so on now rank lower. However, to ensure backward compatibility, we display level 3 headings (using ###) in the same way as level 2 headings.

# 1st level title corresponding to a <H2><br>## 2nd level title corresponding to a <H3>


Here is a quote:<br><br>> Text in quotation<br>> This one too


* First element<br>* of a list<br>* not ordered

<br>1. First element<br>2. Second element<br>3. Third element


The heading for a table is separated by hyphens and displayed with a dark gray background. The number of spaces between vertical bars does not matter. Make sure that you have closed each cell or column. If you need more help, use a table generator such as Tables Generator.

| Colon A | Colon B | Colon C | <br>| --------- | --------- | --------- | <br>| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | <br>| Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 | <br>| Cell 7 | Cell 8 | Cell 9 |

Horizontal bar



Using the selector, you can insert native emojis, but you can also use the tool you use regularly. Do not use shortcodes or Unicode.

👉 *Italics* and **bold** text 😊 combined with emojis. ✅ 🎉