How to follow and participate in ComeUp updates?

At ComeUp, we know that, as sellers, you are the main users of the platform. That's why our updates are based mainly on your feedback.

📌 To stay informed about all the new features planned, consult our public roadmap on Trello. You will find the current projects being developed and the functionalities planned for the future.

📌 You can also participate in updates and changes by submitting your suggestions on Trello or to our support team. Each request is carefully examined by our team, and if it is approved, it's integrated into our future developments.

We also solicit selected sellers to get their feedback and opinions about functionalities being created and better understand their potential ComeUp usage.

For important functionalities, we always consult our users.

Don't miss any updates, and interact directly with our team and other sellers on Discord. It's the ideal place to ask questions, share ideas, and follow the platform's evolution.