How does pricing work and how should I set my prices?

Historically and since 2013, ComeUp has always offered services from $5 with an option system so the client can take advantage of a more complete and more expensive service. With this system, the average basket excluding taxes in February 2024, taking all orders into account, is $90, with hundreds of sellers making more than $1,000/month in revenue.

We encourage sellers to set their pricing to ensure they earn more than the local minimum wage in the country they reside in. Sellers fix their prices and their delivery times. They must always set their prices to ensure they earn at least the local minimum wage for their country of residence, if not more.

How do I set a starting price over $5?

Since September 6, 2022, all sellers can choose prices over $5 with no limits.

What is the best strategy?

You should only start with a $5 offer if it’s justified. Let’s be realistic. Few services can be done for $5. Most services will take time, and your time has to be remunerated correctly. For $5, you must never spend more than 10 minutes on an order. That’s not a lot of time! Your basic offer has to offer something coherent for the price to the buyer. If you can’t, you should start your service at a higher price.

Starting from an offer above $5 will allow you to increase your average basket. It can be tiresome for buyers to compare all the different offers that start from $5. Your starting price has to allow buyers to know if you’re targeting more premium buyers or buyers on a budget.

For example, offering to create someone’s website for $50 is accessible to buyers on a budget. Starting from $150 will be more premium. You can’t start from $5 because you don’t create a website for $5.

💥 In short, you have to correctly calculate your hourly rate to offer an affordable starting price that does not appear as "low-cost" or “cheap” so that you earn the right amount. The options will then complete your basic offer to increase your average basket.