Do I need to declare my earnings?

You must declare everything you earn. There are no exceptions to this rule. The law in France and all countries worldwide require this. It does not necessarily mean that you need to pay income tax, but everything must be in order. In any event, whether you are an individual, self-employed, or a registered business, please contact the relevant authorities in your country of residence if you have any doubts. We are not authorized to give you personal advice about your taxes.

Go to the “Invoices” page to see how much you earned last year. The amount is displayed at the very bottom. Every year, we provide a summary of the annual transactions that took place the previous year.  

For French residents

Please note that eCommerce marketplace service platforms such as ComeUp must now report annually to the French tax authorities. We must report the amount of revenue received by all French residents, and this is from the first Euro earned.

We recommend you read the page provided by the tax authorities to determine how to declare your revenue according to your situation. More specifically, we strongly advise you to read the explanatory notice “Comment déclarer mes revenus issus de la vente de services ? (How to declare revenue generated from the sale of services)”.

Your income may also be subject to social security contributions. For more information, go to the URSSAF website, which has a page about it.

We cannot provide you with any other advice about your specific situation. For further details, address your questions directly to the tax authorities (using the secure mailbox available on your personal page) and URSSAF by email (

Good to know: You can produce a report that details the income you withdrew over a given period. This means you can correctly declare what you earned. Go to your seller interface, then the Invoices menu, to access this report.

For residents from other countries

Please seek advice from the relevant authorities in your country of residence.